Mass protests against AMLO and Morena party across Mexico


To the cry of “finish and leave”, “empty ballot boxes” and “I defend the INE”, various contingents around the country gathered at 11 in the morning in different regions of the country to demonstrate against the president of Mexico

Thousands of people went out to protest this Sunday in entities such as  Querétaro, Chihuahua,  Mexico City, Puebla, and Quintana Roo to call on the population not to participate on April 10 in the popular consultation to revoke the mandate to decide if the President Andrés Manuel López Obrador leaves office before 2024 or ends his six-year term.  

In the Alameda de Querétaro,  people marched to promote leaving the ballot boxes empty, and said that they defend the National Electoral Institute (INE)  which, they accused, has been attacked by the federal administration.

The democratic exercise of Revocation of Mandate is a week away from being carried out in the country, however, this Sunday opposition groups summoned different contingents to demonstrate against said consultation promoted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

To the cry of “finish and leave”, “empty ballot boxes” and “I defend the INE”, various contingents around the country gathered at 11 in the morning in different regions of the country to demonstrate against the consultation that the President of Mexico plans to carry out next Sunday and that has caused great controversy among citizens.

In Mexico City, the demonstration was convened at the Angel of Independence where at approximately 11:30 in the morning, the protesters dressed in white set out on their way to the Monument of the Revolution.

Marchan contra la revocación de mandato en CDMX

The demonstration “Terminas y te vas” was convened in different states of the Mexican Republic and, in addition to making a call not to participate in the Mandate Revocation consultation, the groups opposed to the so-called Fourth Transformation also demand health, safety, employment, education and respect for the constitution. Likewise, said protest is intended to defend the National Electoral Institute (INE) since opposition groups have argued that the actions of the president of Mexico pose a risk to said institution.

Among the characters who spread and called for the demonstration, the names of former President Felipe Calderón dazzle, as well as federal deputy Gabriel Quadri, who dedicated different messages on his social networks to invite citizens to participate in the demonstration.

Similarly, Mexican politician Jorge Triana used his social networks to invite his followers to march this Sunday, April 3, as well as businessman Claudio X. González Laporte, who took up the opinion of journalist Néstor Ojeda and published on his official Twitter account: “Not voting on April 10 is a clear demonstration that citizens are not going to allow themselves to be manipulated by the government of Morena and López Obrador. This Consultation is lies.”

Cientos de personas protestando en contra de la Revocación de Mandato, avanzaron por Paseo de la Reforma hasta llegar al Monumento a la Revolución.

The Revocation of the President’s Mandate is a consultative exercise that is organized by the National Electoral Institute (INE), which has the purpose of asking citizens if they want the head of the local executive to continue in his position, for this, the Law General Revocation of Mandate (LGRM) stipulated a series of guidelines that specify the minimum participation required for it to be binding.

The Mandate Revocation consultation has generated great controversy among citizens, for which different personalities from the world of politics have spoken about it. Although members of Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s cabinet have supported the president’s initiative, many other opposition figures have expressed their discontent and have even called on citizens not to participate in the democratic exercise next Sunday, April 10.

The title of the opposition movement to the Revocation of the Mandate of Andrés Manuel López Obrador comes from the uncomfortable moment when former President Vicente Fox starred alongside the late leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, which gave rise to the iconic phrase “comes and you go”.

En las redes sociales de las organizaciones se pueden encontrar carteles sobre el movimiento. (Foto: Twitter/@ChalecosMxAC)

It was the year 2004 and Mexico hosted the Summit of the Americas, which was attended by Fidel Castro, however, the Cuban president confirmed his attendance just a few days before the event took place, which meant an unexpected change of plans for Vicente Fox, who planned to negotiate with US President George W. Bush a status for his fellow citizens in an irregular situation in the North American country.

In this way, to avoid any mishap with George W. Bush, Vicente Fox invited Fidel Castro to change his agenda and his proposal was based on the Cuban revolutionary participating in a lunch on Thursday and then leaving Mexico, as well as not going to attack the United States or its then-president. Later the episode was summed up in the iconic phrase “you eat and you go”.

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