Microsoft will invest 1.1 billion US dollars in Mexico for education, entrepreneurship and conservation of sharks


The technology giant Microsoft will bet on the digital transformation of Mexico and will invest in the country, in order to create data centers, promote entrepreneurs and support tax collection

Photo: Pixabay.

In the presidential morning conference, Microsoft Mexico announced that it will invest 1. billion US dollars to promote the “digital transformation in Mexico”.

“The fact that the T-MEC has been signed helps us a lot because it means that companies are going to expand and require more technology,” said President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Among the announcements of Microsoft’s “Innovate for Mexico” plan, the main pillar of this plan focuses on accelerating the democratization of access to technology.

The company announced plans to establish a new region of cloud data centers in Mexico with the aim of providing its intelligent and reliable cloud services to support public entities, companies, and society in general, including Microsoft Azure, with Office 365 and Dynamics 365, as well as Power Platform later.

“This data center region is an important part of Microsoft’s $1.1 billion investment plan in Mexico over the next five years, which also includes a robust education and training program made up of different initiatives, such as the creation of three virtual laboratories and classrooms in collaboration with public universities in the country, to provide an educational platform focused on the development of digital skills and help the labor insertion of future generations”, said the technological giant in a Press release.

As another of the pillars, Microsoft’s commitment is to use artificial intelligence to create social impact is an investment in the project “Artificial Intelligence for the monitoring of pelagic sharks in the Mexican Pacific Ocean”, directed by the environmental organization México Azul, which focuses on mako shark conservation as part of the AI ​​for Earth initiative.

In addition, with the aim of connecting the experiences and needs of digital transformation, Microsoft is involving the directors of leading companies in Mexico that have made significant progress in their digital transformation, to form part of an Advisory Council to identify the demand for digital transformation initiatives. training, share best practices, track progress and improve employability.


Mexico Daily Post