Employees are missing in restaurants and hotels in Puerto Vallarta


In Puerto Vallarta, there is currently a high demand for employees within hotels, restaurants, and bars as well as other establishments, however, there are few people willing to fill these positions, so many businesses face a lack of staff, affecting their operations.

In itself, there was already a lot of job turnover before the pandemic, but with two years of contingency and constant business closures, many people found alternative ways of living, became self-employed, or adapted to the “home office” or remote work from home.

But today, with the boom in tourism and the economic recovery, hotels, and restaurants, mainly, need people to work in operational positions, but there is not enough supply of employees.

For example, the Chamba Expo that takes place on March 23 and 24 in the Plaza del Parque Hidalgo, where more than a thousand vacancies are being offered by different businesses, under the tutelage of the Municipal Government Labor Exchange.

In Puerto Vallarta right now there are many jobs, which are sometimes taken by mexicans from other states who precisely come to look for opportunities far from their home cities or towns.

Most of the vacancies are for jobs such as waiters and bartenders, cleaners and maids, receptionists, vendors and tourist guides or assistants, drivers, among others.

Source: vallartaenlinea.com

The Guadalajara Post