About 40% of Cancun flights passengers were affected by transport driver union road blockades


The concern of a new blockade of the transportation sector to the highways of Quintana Roo is in force and in the minds of tourists, after confirming that about 40% of the outbound flights on Tuesday were affected by this fact.

Reports obtained by NITU.mx that are in the hands of hoteliers confirmed that on Tuesday 47 flights were directly affected and delayed due to “lack of passengers” who were trapped in the blockade of carriers who demand better conditions to travel the country’s highways.

However, the figure is more dramatic, there were 48 more delayed flights in the same time range, which means that the total impact was 95 flights, that is, 36% of delayed departure flights.

As for the passengers, according to NITU.mx, most were able to board flights later, and by far during the course of Wednesday.

The bad image is something that both state authorities and businessmen are always concerned and busy with and it will be managed that if there is any other protest it can be in another place that does not directly affect the flow to the airport.

Source: nitu.mx

The Cancun Post