AMLO officially decrees Lake Texcoco a protected natural area


Tuesday, March 22, 2022, will be remembered as the date on which Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico, published a decree declaring Lake Texcoco a protected natural area.

The document, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), says that the size of the area is 14 thousand hectares.

The area covers the municipalities of Atenco, Texcoco, Chimalhuacán, Nezahualcóyotl, and Ecatepec de Morelos, in addition to the space where New Mexico City International Airport (NAIM) was intended to be built prior to the administration of Lopez Obrador.

In the decree, it is specified that scientific research, low environmental impact tourism, fishing and aquaculture, restoration of ecosystems, reintroduction or repopulation of species, and construction and maintenance of public or private infrastructure, among others, may be carried out in the area.

Source: El Universal

Mexico Daily Post