Coahuila seeks to obtain 129 million liters of water daily from the Pánuco River

Panuco River

The quota per second that Coahuila seeks is 1.5 cubic meters of water per second, equivalent to 129.6 million liters per day

“The State Water and Sanitation Commission confirmed that Coahuila raised its hand again to be taken into account for the project to bring water from the Pánuco River, which would be at a rate of 1.5 cubic meters per second for the Southeast Region, mainly Saltillo and Ramos Arizpe,” Antonio Nerio said.

The director of the agency said that according to this plan, a total of 8.5 cubic meters per second would be extracted from that tributary, since Nuevo León, which began with this possibility years ago, and Tamaulipas also participate in the plan.

The Pánuco is one of the largest rivers in the country, it is born in the central highlands of Mexico and runs through several states along the Gulf of Mexico, at the height of Tampico, Tamaulipas, being the border between this state and Veracruz.

Nerio reported that since 2015, Nuevo León opened the possibility of obtaining water from the Pánuco River and that at that time Coahuila had also shown interest.

Source: Vanguardia

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