Foreign tourist diving in Isla Mujeres killed by the propeller of a passing boat


A foreign tourist who was diving near a sunken boat, which they use as an attraction in Isla Mujeres, died after being hit by the propeller of a boat that was passing through the area, and which did not stop at all.

Likewise, preliminary data indicated that the deceased was approximately between 60 and 65 years old, while one person was injured and another, who was accompanying them, was treated by personnel from the Port Authority, as he was in shock after witnessing the event, which took place on Friday afternoon

The foreign tourist died inside the diving boat after being seriously injured by the propeller of an outboard motor, four miles south of Isla Mujeres, a second injured person was taken to Cancun, reported the Prosecutor’s Office State General (FGE Quintana Roo).

The events occurred when the visitors were doing recreational diving among the sunken boats off the shore of Isla Mujeres, they were on the surface when another boat literally passed over them, of which no further information is known so far.

The injured man was taken to the Club Albatros dock to try to save his life, but when the Red Cross paramedics arrived they said that he no longer had vital signs, according to ministerial agent Ernesto Hernández, who said that the other injured person was taken to Cancun in another boat.

Source: YAM

The Cancun Post