AMLO said it’s shameful that the United States finances anti-corruption groups in Mexico


President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reiterated on Monday his reproach to the United States government headed by Joe Biden for not explaining why it finances social organizations in Mexico that are opposed to his Fourth Transformation.

In a new attack against various communicators in the country, the Mexican president pointed out that these types of acts are interfering and violate Mexico’s sovereignty since they interfere in its internal political life.

“We are asking the United States Government to no longer finance groups that act openly, opponents of governments, in my case, in our case, of a legally and legitimately constituted government, because it is an interventionist act, a violation of our sovereignty. . Entering the political, public life of another country, in addition, giving money, and that must be put aside, it is a shame, ”launched the head of the government at a press conference from the National Palace.

Since last year, the President of the Republic has insisted that organizations such as United Mexicans Against Corruption (MCCI), founded by businessman Claudio X. González, with money from the United States, have sought to stop important works during his six-year terms, such as the Felipe Angeles International Airport or the Mayan Train.

According to various journalistic investigations between 2019 and 2020, MCCI would have received financing of around 25 million pesos from the US government.

On repeated occasions, he has accused that said organization has coup-plotting overtones that only seek to destabilize its administration and weaken the credibility of the presidential figure.

In this regard, AMLO once again requested Carlos Loret de Mola, Ciro Gómez-Leyva, Carmen Aristegui, Jorge Ramos, and León Krauze to disclose their salaries as well as assets and indicate if there are interest groups that finance their work.

“You can tell me that this is how journalism professionals are paid in the United States or this is how they are paid in Mexico, but no, they are disproportionate salaries. Why are they paid so much? Because they are hired to defend groups of created interests, they are hired, the word sounds strong, I am not going to use it, well, something softer, as hitmen for the movements that they consider contrary to the corporations that dominate in Mexico and in the country. , or that they dominated in Mexico, that they felt like the owners of Mexico”, considered AMLO.

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