AMLO government will finance social programs for rural communities in Cuba


Mexico and Cuba are working to implement programs that counteract low productivity and achieve greater social integration on the island.

The government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador will finance a series of social programs in Cuba to strengthen social development and the economic, social and environmental capacities of different rural communities on the Caribbean island.

All this will be through “allocating international cooperation resources to implement projects of social development and direct benefit to the target population, such as the so-called Rural Development and the Strengthening of local capacities (economic, social and environmental)”, he says. the Letter of Intent on Bilateral Cooperation between the governments of Mexico and Cuba.

Laura Elena Carrillo Cubillas, executive director of the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (Amexcid), and Marcos Rodríguez Costa, ambassador of the Republic of Cuba in Mexico, were in charge of signing the agreement to promote social projects and programs in the island.

Another of the actions of the signed agreement is to carry out joint efforts in order to execute initiatives and programs to “counteract the causes that generate low productivity and achieve greater social integration and well-being of the inhabitants of both countries.”

At the time of signing the agreement —on December 22, 2021—, the governments of Mexico and Cuba indicated that there are deep ties of friendship and cooperation between both countries.

“Both countries have maintained a permanent dialogue with the concertation of actions that are intended to contribute to the development of the Caribbean region,” states the letter held by Forbes Mexico.

The document highlights that they recognize the interest in generating opportunities to strengthen cooperation between Mexico and Cuba to enhance the living conditions of both peoples through social programs.

“Aware that both seek to promote the conditions for comprehensive development with the purpose of generating jobs and guaranteeing the population’s well-being and their participation and incorporation in the development of their countries,” the agreement adds.

Export of social programs

Additionally, the administration of Andrés Manuel López Obrador will finance social programs, such as Sembrando Vida and Jovenes Construyendo El Futuro, in Haiti to stop the exodus of Haitians to South America, who have the dream and goal of reaching the United States through Mexico.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) is in charge of delivering money from the Youth Building the Future and Sembrando Vida programs, also in Honduras and El Salvador.

From the first day of his government, President López Obrador laid the foundations of understanding to build a Comprehensive Development Plan, which will promote the development and opportunities of the Northern Triangle of Central America.

The president’s plan is to work with El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras in the prevention of migratory flows, as well as attacking the structural causes that provoke the American dream among its inhabitants.

The working policy of the Mexico Fund (known as the Infrastructure Fund for Mesoamerican and Caribbean Countries) is to donate and finance energy, transportation, telecommunications, trade facilitation, food security, environment, housing and health projects.

The National Bank for Foreign Trade (Bancomext) manages the money from the Mexico Fund by mandate of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) and transfers the resources to the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (Amexcid) so that it distributes them in countries of Central America and the Caribbean.

“The Fund (Mexico) is planned for actions in Central America; then it is not going to neglect absolutely anything, those 2 billion are for that. The only thing we are going to do is make use of those resources,” said Marcelo Ebrard, Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SRE), the agency in charge of Amexcid.

As of January 31, 2022, Amexcid reported that it does not have any agreement or agreement signed with the government of the Dominican Republic to replicate the social programs Youth Building the Future and Sembrando Vida as it happens in Honduras and El Salvador, as well as in the medium term. in Haiti and Cuba.


Mexico Daily Post