Corrupt union threatens to leave Puerto Vallarta without water


In a statement and video on social networks, the director of SEAPAL, Salvador Llamas Urbina, accused the SEAPAL Single Workers’ Union (STUSeapal) of wanting to sabotage the city and being a corrupt organization and pointed out that the strike they intend to carry out is illegal.

First, he exposed an audio, WhatsApp conversation between some workers, where they express their disagreement with the strike called by the leader Juan Andrés Aguirre, and in which one tells another that the intention of this person “is to sabotage the pump and leave people without water”, something with which he does not agree.

Also, the engineer from Zacatecas accused the union leader of deliberately cheating the payroll of the SEAPAL workers who are affiliated, through an “abusive and high-interest” loan scheme, but SEAPAL refused to remove that money from the payroll. and December bonuses and thus be part of that dynamic.

Likewise, the union, Llamas pointed out, spends a lot of money on travel expenses, up to 15 thousand pesos only on the leader Juan Aguirre, on trips to Guadalajara where he deals with private matters.

In addition to payments and lodging for soccer tournaments and more luxuries, mishandled cash for supposed staff meals and private offices that have already been taken from him.

“I am respectful of the workers, I recognize the women and men who work honestly every day at SEAPAL Vallarta, and give their best, they are authentic public servants who have nothing to do with the bad practices of those who lead the union,” said Salvador Llamas, who recalled that there are non-unionized workers, but also several who are and are not part of the strike attempt.

Llamas said the union makes discretionary contracts with insurers that union leaders do business with. Lastly, the director of SEAPAL pointed out that the strike is illegal since the deadline to fix the salary increase is until March 22 and said that they are about to buy new uniforms and tools for the employees.

But in case the strike breaks out, SEAPAL has workers to cover the positions that are abandoned and guarantees the supply of drinking water to the entire city.


SEAPAL workers demand an increase or they will cut off the water in protest

The Union of Sole Workers of SEAPAL (SITUSeapal) has released a statement in which it warns the population and public opinion to save water, as there will be a general strike on Tuesday if the Directorate of the organization does not raise 8% to all workers unionized.

In the statement, distributed via WhatsApp, the dissidents point out that the announcement is made “so that they are prevented with what they can of water for the most basic possible expenses since it is not known how many days the strike may last. We hope they reach an agreement without the need to reach that point. We would not like to get to that point, but legally it is a constitutional right that we must resort to because cordiality has already been broken.”

The protesters, led by the leader Andrés Aguirre, pointed out that they do not have the necessary work tools and benefits have been reduced, and they also demand an 8% increase in their salaries.

They also accuse the SEAPAL leadership of “breaking cordiality” and not meeting their demands, so if there is no dialogue and agreements here next Tuesday, that day the protest will begin and the union workers will take over the facilities and offices of the SEAPAL.

It is important to mention that this problem had already broken out at the beginning of the new government, and the director of SEAPAL, Salvador Llamas Urbina, accused the union leader of excessive spending and corruption.


The Guadalajara Post