Yucatecan arrested in Jalisco for millionaire fraud in Mérida


Merida Yucatan; January 28, 2022.- Elements of the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) and the Ministry of Public Security (SSP) executed an arrest warrant in the state of Jalisco, supported by their counterparts from that entity, against JBR, accused of millionaire fraud in the Yucatecan capital.

The arrest warrant was requested after the complaint about the events that occurred in 2019, when the defendant caused a patrimonial affectation to his victim for an amount of three million pesos, for which after his arrest he was transferred to Mérida where This same day he was charged and right there linked to the process.

After the events that occurred, the formal complaint was filed that led to criminal case 324/2021 and began with the investigation that revealed that on March 4 of that year, at an address located in the Nuevo Yucatán neighborhood, the complainant met with the defendant to deliver the aforementioned amount, with which the now accused would allegedly buy various merchandise for a fabric business and carry out the necessary legal procedures to establish a company in which both would be partners.

Due to this action and trusting that there was a friendship between the two, the plaintiff only received a simple receipt signed with the promise that each contracted provider would deliver their respective receipts, but once the money was delivered, the accused left the city of Mérida and stopped answering. the calls to the affected party, for which he was denounced.

In the hearing held at the Mérida Oral Justice Center and before the Second Control Judge, the litigation prosecutors formulated the imputation of the crime, and then presented the evidence and requested that the legal situation of the accused is resolved, who agreed with an agreement to define their legal status during this hearing, for which the Control Judge decreed the aforementioned order to be linked to the process and also granted a period of three months to continue with the complementary investigation. 

Finally, the precautionary measure of justified preventive detention was imposed, so the accused will remain deprived of his liberty for the entire duration of the process.

Source: reporteroshoy.mx

The Yucatan Post