Baja California Restaurants will keep a diner log instead of a vaccine certificate requirement


The Coepris promised that the new provisions will not have fines or sanctions.

Although the measure of requesting the vaccination certificate to diners, employees, and suppliers was reversed and will be requested only as a recommendation, the Baja California restaurant sector has committed to keeping a log of its customers, which will include names, numbers telephone and e-mails.

Yesterday afternoon, a meeting was held between representatives of the Baja California restaurant sector, with the head of the State Commission for Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Coepris), Erwin Areizaga, in order to request that the announced measure be eliminated, if required the vaccination certificate to their clients, which would seriously damage their economy.

The meeting was attended by the president of the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (Canirac) of Mexicali, Raúl Vázquez Krauss; from Ensenada Ivan Nolasco; Beaches of Rosarito, Alan Bautista Plascencia and Tecate Gladies Montiel. The vice president of Affiliations of Tijuana, Zaida López; the President of Young Entrepreneurs of Canirac, Rebeca Aguilar and the Director of Canirac Tijuana, Dulce Arista.

Through a statement, Canirac reported that the following agreements were reached regarding the new provisions regarding COVID-19 health protocols for restaurants and food and beverage establishments and bars.

It is not mandatory to request a vaccination certificate and / or PCR Covid-19 test at least five days in advance to enter restaurants.

It is recommended to keep a log of diners, with name, telephone contact and/or email, temperature and you will be invited to show your vaccination certificate (on paper, electronic, or photo, either from Mexico or the United States) and/or clinical examination if you decide to do so for adults over 18 years of age.

It is not mandatory for employees or suppliers to request a vaccination certificate and/or PCR Covid-19 test to enter the establishment to carry out their work.

The allowed capacity is 75% of the capacity of the premises according to the current yellow traffic light.

Coepris promised that the new provisions will not have fines or sanctions, understanding that they are carried out in goodwill on the part of the business community. However, the revisions that may be given will be to ensure compliance with the CO2 meter, antibacterial gel, mouth cover, and log.

In this case, no other government body or instance other than COEPRIS may sanction and/or fine sanitary provisions. Clarifying that the provisions are not a collection but regulatory.

The restaurants will continue to reinforce the established guidelines, plus those that are added today as a recommendation: Use of mouth covers for everyone (employees, diners, suppliers, etc.); Taking temperature

Use of antibacterial gel; CO2 meters in closed establishments, maintaining CO2 levels below a thousand points; training your employees on COVID19 protocols and hygienic food handling.

As a recommendation, carry out control logs of diners, with name, temperature, and whether or not they present proof of vaccination for those over 18 years of age if the diner wishes to present it. It is not mandatory to enter the establishment.

A massive awareness campaign will be carried out by the Secretary of Health, Coepris, and Canirac to promote vaccination and the carrying of your certificate. Through videos and social networks, restaurateurs are invited to participate and spread the word.

A public agreement will also be signed shortly between the Ministry of Health, Coepris, and Canirac to strengthen protocols and strategies aimed at reducing infections and the spread of the virus, as well as reinforcing hygiene standards in establishments through training and courtesy supervision.


Baja California Post