A vaccination certificate will be needed to access pass to restaurants, bars, and clubs in Culiacán


This measure will be resumed in the face of the increase in covid-19 infections, authorities seek to avoid a second confinement in the capital.

Culiacán, Sinaloa.- Starting this Tuesday, restaurants, bars, clubs and other commercial establishments will require the covid vaccination certificate as an access pass to citizens.

Due to the emergency that again happens in Culiacán with an increase in positive cases to Covid-19 and the presence of the Ómicron variant, the Municipal Health Council met to carry out an evaluation of the prevention protocols.

“These measures that we suggested last time and that today there is a lot of relaxation among people, even in restaurants, clubs, shopping centers, etc., we do not want to get to the initial topic because the total isolation was very painful. The closure of businesses, etc., greatly damages the economy, ”said Mayor Jesús Estrada Ferreiro.

There, the mayor emphasized that the priority at this time is to safeguard citizens, before that, he called the representatives of the chambers present at said meeting, such as CANIRAC, CANACINTRA, AMMJE, CMIC, CANADEVI, COPARMEX, among others, to join this call and adhere to the health protocols already widely known to all.

Likewise, he clarified that the objective is not to reach the closure of the establishments due to the excess capacity or not to comply with these measures, but for all the owners of them to be vigilant that both customers and staff comply with the indicated, since it is for the health of all citizens.

In this sense, the leaders of the sectors pledged to reinforce health protocols.

As a result of the session, it was agreed to continue with the mandatory use of face masks, frequent hand washing, or application of sanitizer and avoid agglomerations.

In addition, the following protocols will be reinforced:

  • Maintain a healthy distance (2 meters) in all establishments and take temperature when entering.
  • Use disposable cups and cutlery in restaurants, bars and food stands.
  • Cleaning and sanitizing tables with disposable paper.
  • Tables and chairs located with a distance of 2 meters between one and the other, only 2 people per square table sitting opposite each other.
  • Groups of four should be seated at two joined square tables, there should be no diners at the headboards.
  • Exclude furniture that will not be used.
  • In restaurants, clubs and bars, customers must present the two-dose Vaccination Certificate to enter.
  • Personnel who work in these places must also have their Certificate.
  • The aforementioned sectors will urge the State Government to meet with the State Health Council and determine similar measures.

Source: elsoldesinaloa.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post