WhatsApp will stop working on some cell phones in 2022; find out which ones?


We tell you on which mobile devices the famous messaging application will stop working in this year that is about to begin.

The year 2022 is just around the corner and with it will come changes in some mobile devices, especially in those that have already had several years of life. And among these modifications, it stands out that the famous WhatsApp messaging application it will stop working on some cell phones.

This information was released on the WhatsApp website, where the operating systems in which its application will stop working at the beginning of 2022 were announced, although it is worth mentioning that as the year progresses, some more could be added.

Why will WhatsApp stop working on some cell phones in 2022?

The famous messaging application explained that its latest updates cannot be installed because the resources it uses are not functional with these mobiles, because its operating system is already somewhat old.

What cell phones will be left without WhatsApp in 2022?

  • Samsung: Galaxy Trend Lite, Galaxy Trend II, Galaxy S3 mini, Galaxy Xcover 2, Galaxy Core, Galaxy Ace 2. 
  • Sony: Xperia M. 
  • Huawei: Ascend G740, Ascend Mate, Ascend D2. 
  • LG: Lucid 2, Optimus F7, Optimus F5, Optimus L3 II Dual, Optimus F5, Optimus L5 II, Optimus L5 Dual, Optimus L3 II, Optimus L7 II Dual, Optimus L7 II, Optimus F6, Enact, Optimus L4 II Dual, Optimus F3, Optimus L4 II, Optimus L2 II, Optimus F3Q. 
  • ZTE: Grand S Flex, ZTE V956, Grand X Quad V987, Grand Memo. 
  • Others: Archos 53 Platinum, HTC Desire 500, Caterpillar Cat B15, Wiko Cink Five, Wiko Darknight, Lenovo A820, UMi X2, Faea F1, THL W8. Apple: iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, plus iPhone SE. 

The app announced that before its application stops serving on your device, it will send you “a notification on WhatsApp and you will be reminded multiple times to update it. ” 

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