Port of Altamira with the highest growth in Mexico


The Port of Altamira closed the January-November period with more than 20.2 million tons operated and 1,768 vessels served, exceeding cargo mobilization in the same period of 2020 by 25%, with this the Port of Altamira stands out as one of the Ports with the highest growth in Mexico.

Within these 20 million tons, the movement of containerized cargo stands out with 7.3 million and 821,645 TEU, registering a growth of 19% compared to the same period of the previous year.

With the highest percentage of growth is the loose general cargo, which registered a 71% increase, surpassing the 3.7 million tons of the previous year, with the movement of steel rolls, beams and finished cars, the latter with a growth of 10% compared to the previous year with 275,675 units.

Regarding bulk, 4.8 million tons of mineral were mobilized and a growth of 20%, with products such as coke, mineral coal, fluorite and ilmenite, while in agricultural bulk 995 thousand tons were registered, which represents a growth of 34 % compared to the previous year.

Petrochemical fluids registered a movement of 3.3 million tons, mainly from imports of the different raw materials used in the petrochemical industries of the Altamira Industrial Port, thus achieving a 9% growth compared to the previous year.

Source: portalportuario.cl

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