Armed attack leaves four dead and two wounded in Cuerámaro, Guanajuato


On Saturday, December 18, four dead and two wounded were the results of an armed attack that occurred in the El Tigre neighborhood, in Cuerámaro, Guanajuato.

According to the State Attorney General’s Office, the events took place between 20 de Noviembre and José Camacho streets.

The victims were inside a private property with music and food, they never imagined what was just about to happen moments later.

Suddenly, four armed men on two motorcycles arrived at the scene. They entered the site and, shouting and shoving, open fire on everyone there.

Some managed to run out of the building, several were hit by the bullets and were left lying on the ground, residents of the area began to call 911, asking for an ambulance to arrive quickly.

When the emergency team arrived, two men were still alive, so they were stabilized and transferred to different clinics in the municipality and were reported in critical condition.

Four people were declared dead at the scene, their identities have not been revealed so far by the local authorities. In the place, several indications were collected, among them dozens of shell casings.

The mayor of Cuerámaro, Mauricio Arce Canchola published a message on his social networks sending condolences to the families of the victims and calling on the authorities at other levels of government to speed up the investigation to bring those responsible for the incident to justice.

“I deeply regret the acts of violence that occurred in our municipality, I send my condolences to the families who lost their loved ones in this unfortunate event.

“The State Prosecutor’s Office already knows about the incident, and the investigation is already ongoing to clarify these unfortunate events. I call on the federal and state governments to jointly attend and generate actions for the peace and tranquility of Cuerámaro”.

Source: OEM

San Miguel Post