Serious bus accident leaves 4 people burned alive and 15 injured in Tamaulipas Hwy accident (video)


Four people burned and 15 injured, is the preliminary balance left by a collision between a passenger bus and a trailer on the Ciudad Victoria-Matamoros highway.

El autobús salió de Tampico con destino a Reynosa y en el kilómetro 132 tras pasar el punto de revisión de La Coma sufrió el percance al impactarse con el tráiler. SUN / ARCHIVO

The bus left Tampico bound for Reynosa and at kilometer 132, after passing the La Coma checkpoint, it suffered the mishap when it hit the trailer.

It turned out that the Transpais company bus was carrying at least 30 people.

The cab of the trailer was completely consumed by fire, while the bus was also affected by flames.

Choque en carretera de Tamaulipas deja cuatro personas calcinadas

Tamaulipas Post