Why do Mexicans celebrate the Virgin of Guadalupe?


In accordance with popular traditions, on Tuesday, December 12, 1531, the Virgin of Guadalupe appeared to the indigenous Juan Diego for the fourth time. The incident happened very early in the morning when the native of Cuautitlán went out looking for help for his uncle who was ill. The Patron of Mexico met the humble man next to a “Pocito” where she told him that her uncle was already healthy.

Thus, he asked him to climb to the top of the Tepeyac hill where he would find some roses, at a time and in a place where they did not bloom, which he could collect and bring before the bishop as proof of his miraculous encounters in which requested the construction of a temple in the vicinity of the place.

Around noon, Juan Diego was received by Bishop Zumárraga, who witnessed how several Castilian roses fell from Juan Diego’s ayate, at the same time that the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe was revealed on the fabric.

December 12, the day of the Guadalupana
After the miracle of the fourth apparition of the Virgin on December 12, 1531, the event has been celebrated with great devotion ever since. The first news of an official celebration date from 1667, when the bull of Pope Clement IX instituted December 12 as a feast day in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe. By 1824, the Mexican National Congress declared December 12 as a National Holiday.

In 1988, the liturgical celebration of the Virgin was elevated to the rank of Feast also in all the dioceses of the United States of America. Currently, the expressions of Guadalupano love have multiplied: the pilgrims who celebrate the Virgin in La Villa number approximately three million.

Year after year, the festivities begin on the eve of December 12, with the interpretation of “Las Mañanitas” by famous Mexican and Latin American artists who pay homage to the Virgin Morena.

Meanwhile, on foot or in buses, cars, and bicycles, the pilgrims are joining in from different parts of the country. Usually, they keep coming until they completely occupy the Basilica and the great Atrium of the Americas, in one of the most notable acts of religious fervor on the continent, in order to pay tribute to the Virgin of Guadalupe in her day. However, due to the health crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

As is tradition, the celebrations begin on December 11 at 6:45 p.m. with the popular serenade to the Virgin of Guadalupe, followed by various tributes until midnight. when the traditional song known as “Las Mañanitas” is sung.

All early morning and until 8:00 p.m. On December 12, a series of Masses continues, the most important of which is the one dedicated to the Celebration and Blessing of the Roses, at midday.

Source: El Financiero

Mexico Daily Post