Inevitably Omicron variant will arrive in Mexico say, specialist


The spokesman for the UNAM’s University Commission for the Emergency Coronavirus Care said that it is “practically impossible” to stop the appearance of the new variant of coronavirus baptized as Ómicron in Mexico because it can arrive from anywhere and we cannot know where it will enter. .

Mauricio Rodríguez, spokesman for the University Commission for Attention to the Coronavirus Emergency of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), considered in an interview published in the UNAM Gazette that it is “practically impossible” to stop the appearance of the new variant of coronavirus baptized as Ómicron in Mexico because “it can arrive anywhere and we cannot know where it will enter.”

“Remember that the variants enter Mexico a few weeks late. It is bad news that a new variant appears and that it can be dangerous. The good news is that the Omicron, Delta, Alpha, Gamma variants, and the original virus are all prevented in the same way, ”he explained.

The specialist called for maintaining the hygiene measures recommended since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

“The mask works equally well for everyone, hygiene, healthy distance and isolation. If we continue to apply the general measures, we will be able to keep this and those that come at bay. If we give it the opportunity, the virus will find these sites of dissemination, will attack the most vulnerable and enter the communities ”, he mentioned.

The specialist explained that it is premature to know what will happen to the Omicron variant, but the appearance of new variants is a phenomenon that we will continue to see cyclically.

“Some of those that are generated will become the most successful variant and in that way it will cause epidemic waves. We have to continue with what we are already doing, and continuing to take care of ourselves is essential, ”he said.


Mexico Daily Post