Mega Azteca Stadium Complex proceeds despite neighborhood opposition


The Azteca Stadium could become a tourist and commercial mega-complex. This will be the case if the residents of Coyoacán approve it.

On October 8, the first actions began for the neighborhood consultation on the project “Conjunto Estadio Azteca”, which will consist of two stages: a shopping center with parking and a hotel with its parking lot.

Conjunto Estadio Azteca, nuevo megaproyecto en CDMX | Mundo Startups

The project proposes to unite the Azteca Stadium – owned by Televisa – with the Santa Úrsula Park for the construction of the shopping center and the hotel. According to Altavista Sur Inmobiliaria, SA de CV, it would seek to protect the environment and have renewable energy during construction.

The shopping center would be located at Avenida Estadio Azteca No. 42, Pueblo Santa Úrsula Coapa neighborhood, Coyoacán mayor’s office, Mexico City. This building will consist of seven parking floors and four double levels for the plaza.

For its part, the hotel would also have seven levels. On the ground floor, there will be a commercial and boutique area. It will also have two levels for parking and four for bedrooms.

As for the Azteca Stadium, it will continue on the Tlalpan road in the Santa Úrsula Coapa neighborhood. The building will have three levels, the upper part of which will be the access ramp to the stadium. It will also have five levels of parking. The project also includes the construction of wells to collect rainwater.

Conjunto Estadio Azteca: vecinos se oponen a este desarrollo inmobiliario

Regarding green areas, the Estadio Azteca project proposes the generation of green corridors in the ridges of Calzada de Tlalpan, Periférico, Avenida del Imán, Viaducto Tlalpan, calle Acueducto and Circuito Estadio Azteca. There would also be green roofs and reforestation within the complex.

If built, the Azteca Stadium Complex will be of universal transit. However, the fate of real estate development will be in the hands of the public, for this the Secretariat of the Environment of Mexico City has placed opinion modules since last October 11. So far, the residents of Coyoacán and Tlalpan have almost unanimously opposed the megaproject, as it is believed that it will limit access to water and housing, and increase the costs of goods and services south of Mexico City.

Proyectan megadesarrollo inmobiliario, centro comercial y hotel a un  costado del Estadio Azteca

Recently, the developers have called a consultation to evaluate the impact that the construction and operation of this infrastructure can generate.

However, residents of the Tlalpan and Coyoacán mayors pointed out that this initiative is not to “approve or not” the development but to issue proposals.

They have also warned that development will affect mobility and water supply in at least 20 neighborhoods.  

The participation process is carried out online and in-person in the modules located in San Lorenzo Huipulco, Avenida del Imán and Panamericana, and the Azteca Stadium.

The Mexico City Post