AMLO will give pensions to senior migrants who return to Mexico


He explained that they would be granted loans, especially for housing and said that if the migrants who return to Mexico get a piece of land or a family member has one, they would be helped to build a house.

  • It will ask the Secretary of Welfare to present a plan that will be presented in Mexico and the United States

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador ( AMLO ), announced today, November 16, 2021, that his government will give pensions to elderly migrants who return to our country.

“We would certainly support them. If they want to return, if they are older people who want to return to their villages, to their communities, we would help them, ”said the president in a morning conference.

He explained that they would be granted loans, especially for housing. He said that if migrants who return to Mexico get a piece of land or a family member has one, they would be helped to build a house, in addition to being included in the pension program.

“If they have a small plot and there is still strength, and they also know the field and like it, because that is life too, they can participate in the Sembrando Vida program. If a family member gives them one hectare, two hectares, they already sign up and receive their monthly wage to sow ”.

Finally, he said that he will ask the Secretary of Welfare to present a plan that will be presented in Mexico and the United States so that those who are interested in returning to our country and are in a position to do so can register.


Mexico Daily Post