Twenty-two unsolved murders registered in Cancun so far in November


On Tuesday, November 9th, Cancun woke up with several cases of violence, shooting attacks, and homicides, with a balance of two executions in the Corales subdivision, near the center of the city, one more executed in the Rancho Viejo neighborhood, and a couple shot in the Mayaland neighborhood, where a woman lost her life.

In the first week of November, 22 murders have been registered in the city and neighborhoods of this tourist center, which records a high rate of violence, femicides, murders, collection of “protection fees” and settling of accounts between rival gangs.

Cancun is the main scene of violence, there are executions and shootings every day, in businesses, public roads, streets, and homes. In the last week, there have been two cases of firearm killings inside two different gyms, as signs of growing insecurity.

The Paraíso Villas Otoch, Prado Norte, Paraíso Villas Cancún, Real Valencia, Paseos del Mar, Haciendas del Caribe, Tierra Maya and Villas del Mar neighborhoods are “hot spots” of violence, where walking at night is a challenge to death.

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These are the neighborhoods where there is daily violence involving firearms, although the downtown area of ​​Cancun has not been exempted, and that on the central avenue “La Luna”, there have been two executions of motorists committed by hitmen on motorcycles.

In almost all cases of these violent murders, the police have not arrested any murderer and have not found those responsible for the executions and baggage that are dumped in neighborhoods and the outskirts of Cancun.

Yesterday afternoon a group of feminists marched through the streets of Cancun, one year after the murder of Alexis, a young woman who was murdered and dismembered, to remember that her case does not go unpunished.

Today, November 9, marks one year since the feminist demonstration in Cancun was repelled with gunshots, and where two reporters covering the protest were wounded by gunshots.

Faced with the wave of violence and impunity, more protests and demonstrations are expected in front of the State Attorney General’s Office and in the Municipal Palace.

Source: SIPSE

The Cancun Post