Puerto Vallarta mercados in deplorable conditions


The new head of Municipal Markets, Cecilio López Fernández, indicated that he found the Puerto Vallarta souks in deplorable conditions due to the abandonment of recent years, for which he announced that he will implement projects for their rescue.

“I found the situation of the markets in a deplorable way, it is sad that they have been neglected for many years, the markets are a cultural symbol of our people, in fact if you want to know a people then visit their markets,” he pondered.

Cecilio López Fernández

The ex-mayor recalled that there are five markets: Rio Cuale, Emiliano Zapata neighborhood, December 5, Ixtapa, and Las Palmas, of these last two he said it is urgent to see their status because they do not work properly and there are irregularities

He recalled that the traditional Cuale Market, located in the center of the city, was affected by Hurricane Nora and the overflowing of the river.

“There was a penetration at the rear, which did touch the foundations but did not damage the structure. They have already repaired that part, they embedded stone and cement, they have already put up the fence, there is no structural damage to the building, and soon the vast majority of the tenants will be returning ”.


He indicated that only a part that faces Libertad Street, where the ramp that took the river was, will be pending because they have to see how the bridge structure will be before.  

He stressed that little by little this food and handicraft market returns to normal, of the 150 tenants currently working around 50 in Hidalgo Park, where they were relocated while making repairs.

Source: tribunadelabahia.com.mx

The Guadalajara Post