Under AMLO administration 90% fewer drugs seized in Mexico


In 2020, the seizures made by the prosecutors of the states of narcotics such as cocaine, methamphetamine (crystal), and marijuana plummeted by more than 90 percent, reveals the 2021 National Census of State Law Enforcement.

The study carried out annually by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) offers information on the work of the prosecutors of each federal entity, and among the data it includes are the volumes seized of drugs.

Cocaine seizures fell 96 percent in the country, from 22,959 kilograms in 2019 to only 920 in 2020; those of glass 95 percent, from 13 thousand 409 kilograms to only 593 in the same period; and those of marijuana 94 percent, with a variation of 744 thousand 764 kilograms to 44 thousand 345 between one year and another.

The fall in seizures in 2020 occurred despite the fact that, at the national level, that year a record number of investigations for drug dealing was imposed in the states, with a total of 76,741 open folders, 6,467 more than the 70,000 274 of 2019, which at the time were an unprecedented figure.


Regarding the seizures of cocaine by the prosecutors of the entities bordering the United States, the one that reflects the greatest decrease is that of Nuevo León (NL), which went from 177.3 kilograms in 2019 to only 5.5 in 2020 ( 97 percent less); followed by Coahuila, with 89.9 kilograms in 2019 and 37.4 in 2020 (58.3 percent less); and Chihuahua, with 7.3 and 6.6 kilograms, respectively (minus 8.8 percent).

Baja California was able to increase its figures, but these were minimal, registering 0.13 kilograms of cocaine seized in 2019 and 0.56 in 2020 (337 percent more).

And it is also the entity with the largest decrease in methamphetamine seizures, going from 3,928.9 kilograms in 2019 to only 70.6 in 2020 (95.5 percent less).

Coahuila also had a considerable drop in the so-called crystal, with 810.1 kilograms in 2019 and 44.9 in 2020 (94.4 percent less); and a similar case is that of Chihuahua, which varied from 52.2 to 19.4 kilograms, respectively (minus 62.8 percent).

On the other hand, NL grew 128.3 percent in seizures of methamphetamine, going from 25.97 to 59.3 kilograms between one year and another.

And with regard to marijuana, Coahuila had a decrease of 89.2 percent, reducing its seizures from 4,249.2 kilograms in 2019 to 457.3 in 2020. While Baja California increased them by 106 percent (231.7 kilograms against 478.1); like Chihuahua, 165.4 percent more (10 thousand 224.7 kilograms against 27 thousand 139.6); and NL, 257 percent more (from one thousand 65.3 kilograms to three thousand 812.9).

In the cases of Sonora and Tamaulipas, Inegi points out that its prosecutors did not have data or elements to respond to the census questionnaires.

Source: vanguardia.com.mx

Mexico Daily Post