Mexico records more than a million deaths in 2020


The increase in registered deaths coincides with the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic period, Inegi said.

Mexico registered a record of more than a million deaths in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic and the rise in deaths in most causes, as reported on Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).

“Based on the PAHO (Pan American Health Organization) methodology and information from the 2015-2019 period, a total of 749,496 deaths were expected in Mexico in 2020 and 1,076,417 occurred, so there is an excess of mortality 326,921 for all causes, equivalent to 43.6%, ”Inegi president Julio A. Santaella explained on Twitter.

Of the total of 1,086,743 deaths registered during 2020 (of these, there are 12,326 deaths with extemporaneous registration), 58.8% were men, 41.1% women and in 757 cases the sex was not specified.

There is a registered death rate for every 10,000 inhabitants of 86, higher by 27 units than that corresponding to 2019.

“The increase in registered deaths coincides with the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic period,” said Inegi.

According to the historical series, this is the first time that such a high figure has been reported.

Well, in 2011, when the registry began, 590,693 people died, a figure that gradually rose to 747,784 in 2019, and skyrocketed in 2020.

México tuvo récord de más de un millón de muertos en 2020 por la pandemia


During 2020, 92.4% -1,004,083 cases- of deaths were due to diseases and health-related problems, presenting an increase of 3.6% compared to 2019.

While the remaining 7.6% -a total of 82,660 cases- were due to accidents (32,356), homicides (36,773), suicides (7,896) and events of undetermined intention (5,573).

The latter is characterized because the certifier states that he lacks elements to classify the death in any of the previous categories.

Homicides are the eighth leading cause of death in the general population and the sixth leading cause of death in men, registering 32,336 murders, almost all of the cases.

According to Inegi, and unlike the federal government data, there was an increase in murders, going from 36,661 in 2019 to 36,773 in 2020.

No description available.

“Due to health problems, the three main causes of death at the national level were heart disease, which represents 20.1% of the total, Covid-19 (18.4%), and diabetes mellitus (13.9%),” he added.

The data provided by the Inegi confirm that in Mexico there is a lag between those killed by Covid that the Ministry of Health reports daily compared to reports of excess mortality, both general and associated with the coronavirus.

On January 1, 2021, the authorities reported that, until the previous day, there were 126,507 deaths from Covid-19.

But Inegi reported that there were actually 200,256 deaths from Covid-19 in all of 2020.


Mexico Daily Post