New cases of police brutality and murder in Yucatán


–New case of official brutality in Yucatán that adds to the recent homicides in the municipalities of Tizimín and Progreso

#CHACSINKÍN  The “suicide” who a week ago was found in the mountains of this southern Yucatan municipality, hanging with his belt, was actually murdered, according to the inquiries of his relatives.

The now deceased was identified as Ronald Richmond Díaz, 37, former president of the Municipal Electoral Council of Chacsinkín and former official of the Center for Educational Development in Peto. His relatives point to municipal police as the perpetrators of the death.

Officially, as reported in different media, the authorities reported that elements of the State Civil Protection found the body hanging while fighting a brush fire on the Mérida-Chetumal highway.

Consternación por suicidio de padre de familia de Chacsinkín

Ronald’s body was found in the Xoy-Chacsinkín section, tied around the neck to a tree with his belt, about 30 meters into the mountain, on April 8 in the morning.

In the autopsy carried out by the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) it was established that the cause of death was “asphyxia by suspension” and that he was supposedly depressed when he lost his job at the CEDE in Peto.

However, his family doubted the official version when they encountered strange circumstances surrounding his death and requested a second autopsy, carried out by a private doctor.

The forensic doctor Wilberth Pantoja Avila – the same one who performed the second autopsy on the Progressman murdered by agents of the Yucatecan Public Security Secretariat – found internal and external blows, fractures, abrasions, but no sign that he died of asphyxia by hanging, as was the case. officially reported, but for polytrauma.

It was also very striking that the body did not show burns from the brush fire where it was found, that is, it was left in that place after the area was burned and the official version is even more doubtful.

The matter shows a cover-up by the FGE of the State Government, in a similar way to the actions of the municipal president of Tizimín in the hit-and-run murder of photographer José Alberto Acosta Caamal at the hands of the police, of which PRESIDIO has released details. .

In Progreso, there was no justice, up to now, for the murder of Gaspar Avelino Sulub Cimé, who was tortured by elements of the Yucatan SSP. He died of a blow to the skull and drowned in his blood.

In the case of Chacsinkín, the relatives of Richmond Díaz attended last Tuesday the FGE facilities in Tekax, where the investigation of the “suicide” is being carried out, to request the investigation folder, as well as the results of the investigation. an autopsy performed by Semefo to compare with that performed by doctor Pantoja Ávila.

The file was not handed over to them, because, according to the Prosecutor’s Office, the folder “is not well integrated.”
Yesterday they returned again and the investigation file was shown to them, but they were not provided with a copy.

In an interview on Tuesday, Kevin Richmond Díaz, Ronald’s brother, considered that everything is aimed at protecting “someone” since the now-deceased had problems with the Chacsinkín police chief.

A year ago, according to what he had told them, municipal agents tortured him with beatings while pouring cold water on his face. And just two months ago he was beaten again.

“The main suspects are agents of the Municipal Police of Chacsinkín, mainly with whom my brother had problems is one named Royce and he is the commander of the municipality’s Police. The only thing we are looking for is justice and what really happened is known, ”he said.

PRESIDIO found out that, according to the official report, it is stated that unit 348 of Peto reported at 08:45 hours a person who died about 30 meters from the side of the road.

It was specified that the body was near the Peto-Mérida highway, at kilometer 116 + 500 of the section from the Xoy police station to Chacsinkín.

In the same police report it is revealed that “the 357 Chacsinkín unit under the command of the commander in turn Roycer Chi Vázquez took over for the corresponding purposes.”

The brother of the deceased added that on Wednesday, April 8 in the morning, they learned that they found his body hanged in a tree near the Tekax mountains and that the same day the Prosecutor’s Office intended to deliver the body at 10 at night.
But given the unusual nature of the events, the family of the deceased decided to appoint a private doctor for a second autopsy because the Attorney General’s Office denied them access to the investigation folder and the results of the autopsy, only verbally telling them that the cause death was suffocation.

Given the refusal in Tekax, last Friday they went to the Prosecutor’s Office in Mérida to demand that they be set a prompt date and time for the second autopsy and immediate access to the investigation folder, but the building was practically empty. Neither the Directorate or the Office of the Attorney General had personnel.

No description available.

Under pressure from the lawyer Antonio Maya Avila and the family throughout the day, they were notified until late at night that the second autopsy was authorized for Saturday 11 at 10 in the morning at the Semefo facilities in Mérida.

After that, it was determined by the doctor Pantoja Avila that Ronald did not hang himself because his body did not present the typical injuries left by suspension asphyxia.

One of the people who would be involved in the homicide is Ronald’s former romantic partner, who admitted calling Royce to let him know that “due to a couple’s lawsuit” she had left her husband at the entrance to Chacsinkín, in the dark of the night.
In statements to the press, Mrs. Deimy Dzul Matus said that it was Royce himself who hours later called to tell him that he was already dead and the body was eight kilometers from where he had left it, at the entrance to Xoy.

Yesterday the mother of the now deceased, Olivia Díaz Martínez, and Ronald’s cousin, Domitza Erosa Díaz, went again to the FGE in Tekax, where after almost five hours, they finally put the investigation folder in view.

Today they were notified that both the cousin and the brother were left as representatives before the authorities since the mother had several relapses due to a nervous breakdown and the proceedings are very exhausting.


The Yucatan Post