Vigilante shoots assailants in Estado de Mexico public transportation unit


Four assailants entered a van to steal but only one survived: A “vigilante” who is believed to be a military man shot them down.

According to preliminary information, the events occurred in the municipality of Tonanitla, State of Mexico.

In that place, the assailants entered the Nissan Urvan-type vehicle to rob the passengers of the route that runs to Naucalpan.

The two men, a woman and a minor threatened the driver and passengers with a firearm, demanding that they hand over their money and cell phones.

In addition, they ordered the driver not to stop and continue to act as if nothing was wrong.

However, they did not know that one of the passengers was not going to stay with his arms crossed.

Witnesses told police that the man, apparently a military man but in civilian clothes, screamed and faced the assailants.

The criminals did not even see when the passenger drew a firearm and shot down the four of them.

Immediately after hearing the shots, the driver stopped the van, and together with the passengers and the alleged “Vigilante”, they threw the bodies of the criminals on the side of the road.

But the story did not end there.

One of the criminals, a teenager, survived the attack: hours later the police received a report about a man injured on the road.

Upon arrival, they found the minor next to the lifeless bodies of his accomplices.

The wounded man told the authorities his version of events and was transferred to a hospital due to the severity of his injuries.

So far the identity of the “vigilante” is still unknown.

Source: El Universal

Mexico Daily Post