Saltillo, Coahuila is the third safest city in Mexico


According to the results of the National Survey of Victimization and Perception of Public Safety, Envipe, from INEGI, Saltillo was ranked as the third safest city in Mexico in 2021, as a result of teamwork between society and government, as well as the endorsement of the governor of Coahuila, Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís.

According to the results of Envipe 2021, 68.4 percent of Saltillo residents said they felt safe in the city, ranking third in the nation for the highest perception of security, only below La Paz, Baja California Sur, and Mérida, Yucatán.

Since the beginning of his administration, Mayor Manolo Jiménez Salinas implemented a new model in which security was a priority, and their citizen-participation-strategy made it possible to keep the capital of Coahuila safe and in order, which has also been reflected in the National Survey of Urban Public Security, Ensu, of the INEGI, in which Saltillo is maintained as one of the safest cities in Mexico.

Mayor Manolo Jiménez Salinas reiterated the importance of coordination, which is why security meetings are held weekly in which instances of the three levels of government, the prosecution services, the state police, the Mexican Army, and the national guard participate to evaluate the results and adjust the implemented strategies.

The Citizen Security and Protection Police Force involve the participation of the Preventive and Traffic Police, the Control and Command Center, the Citizen Security Committees, and the Southeast Reaction Group.

Thanks to the solidarity of Governor Riquelme, in Saltillo more than one billion pesos have been invested in the security issue for the purchase of new patrol cars, equipment, uniforms, training, and improvement of physical infrastructure over four years, with which the state police force evolved into a one-thousand agent corporation, including preventives, traffic agents and members of the Southeast Reaction Group.

To provide a more effective response, subdivisions were made within the corporation, that is, the police officers were trained in different specialties.

Now Saltillo has a K-9 Unit, the Violet Group, the Mounted Police, the Anti-Riot Group, the Family Integration Unit (UNIF), the Environmental Police, and the Southeast Reaction Group, among others.

Saltillo, Coahuila (Photo: Daniel Garza Tobon)

One of the most successful strategies that has been developed in the state capital of Coahuila, and that has allowed great results, is the creation of Citizen Security Committees, in which almost 85 thousand people participate through WhatsApp groups and the Saltillo Seguro application, it has been shared to be replicated in different municipalities across Coahuila and other places in the Mexican Republic.

In addition, another complementary strategy is the one that has to do with the use of technology through video recording cameras installed at strategic points and monitored by C2; as well as the provision of mobile booths and offices.

Source: Gobierno de Saltillo

The Torreon Post