Mayors of San Miguel de Allende, San Luis de la Paz, and Comonfort take office in Guanajuato


Guanajuato , Gto., October 10 , 2021.- The Secretary for Sustainable Economic Development, Mauricio Usabiaga Díaz Barriga, participated in the installation session of the H. City Hall and inauguration of San Miguel de Allende, San Luis de la Paz, and Comonfort municipalities, where on behalf of the Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, invited the Mayors and members of the councils to work together for the development of their municipalities and the state.

In San Miguel de Allende, Mauricio Trejo Pureco took office as Mayor; in Comonfort, Claudio Santoyo Cabello and in San Luis de la Paz, Luis Gerardo Sánchez Sánchez. The members of the councils in the three municipalities protested to work for their municipality for the next three years.

The Secretary congratulated the members of the new administrations and said that the municipalities are the basis of the political organization of Guanajuato and Mexico and that is where the first contact of the citizen with the government takes place, therefore. The beginning of these new administrations will be an opportunity for the government and society to work together with better results, especially in the reconstruction of the social fabric.

“The call is to close ranks, to work as a team, together in favor of the integral development of the Guanajuatenses,” said Mauricio Usabiaga.

The head of the SDES said that Guanajuato has three great challenges, the first in terms of security, where it is essential to work hand in hand to have good results.

He highlighted that the Government has fulfilled specific commitments to advance together in the security of the municipalities and in improving the salaries of the elements, strengthening the state police, with cutting-edge technology and equipment such as helicopters and drones, among other things.

 The second challenge is to deal with everything that has to do with the COVID 19 pandemic and its consequences, so he invited them to take advantage of the fact that in Guanajuato we have the best state health system and to work hand in hand for a quick economic recovery, growth, and give priority to the protection of families’ sources of employment.

The third challenge is to overcome budget shortages, for which it will be essential to maintain an honest and efficient budget exercise.

“The invitation is to meet these challenges with fresh and innovative ideas, with efficient and honest governments, it is time to respond to the needs and expectations of the population, it is time to work as a great team,” said the Secretary.

With these takeovers, the municipal administrations for the period 2021-2024 officially kicked off in the municipalities of San Miguel de Allende, Comonfort, and San Luis de la Paz.


San Miguel Post