“Lesbophobia” Two women are expelled for kissing in Sinaloa bar


Culiacan Sinaloa

The president of Sinaloa Inclusnte AC criticized the act of discrimination based on people’s sexual orientation

After last Sunday, October 10, a video began to circulate on social networks in which a person in charge of a well-known bar DECADAS in the Historic Center of Culiacán discriminated against a lesbian couple, groups, activists, and citizens demand the intervention of authorities.

Two girls kissing, where threaten with violence were driven out of a bar in Culiacan on Saturday, it has violated State Law Against Discrimination and the Law Federal of the Consumer, said Tiago Ventura Cárdenas, president of Sinaloa Inclusnte AC

He commented that it is understood that there are expressions of affection that can be exaggerated, but it is given by both egalitarian and heterosexual couples and that does not justify the occurrence of physical, verbal violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation as happened on the weekend in the state capital.

“And they were violently removed because they had kissed, the staff claimed that it was not a place to do that, that there were NOT a gay clubs or table dance, then the girls claimed that they had to respect them,” he said.

Article 58 of the Federal Consumer Protection Law it indicates:

“The provider of goods, products, or services may not deny or condition them to the consumer for reasons of gender, nationality, ethnicity, sexual preference, religious or any other particularity. Paragraph added. “

As well as the State Law to Eliminate Discrimination of the State of Sinaloa in its Article 5 in its paragraphs XXIV and XXV with clear in this regard:

XXIV: Prevent access to any public or private service, as well as limit access and free movement in public spaces, for reasons of ethnic or social origin, nationality, genetic characteristics, disability, social or economic condition, health conditions, pregnancy, language, opinions, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, age, physical appearance, occupation or activity, criminal record or any other assumption;

XXV: Deny any person, considering their sexual orientation, accommodation, or the same accommodation conditions in any public place intended for the accommodation of people, hotels, motels, or in any other public place, including amusement or recreation centers;

He mentioned that the two laws in question establish that service cannot be denied to any consumer motivated by the sexual orientation of the people, so they urge the owners of the establishment DECADAS to review their procedures and train staff on issues of inclusion, diversity and human rights.

Source: olegario.mx

The Mazatlan Post