Chiapas minibus drivers block roads across the state


Transporters from the state union in Chiapas keep roads throughout the state blocked, demanding that the government of Rutilio Escandón Cadenas stop the new Transportation Law, which gives formal entry to motorcycle-type transportation in several municipalities.

The workers of the collective service took from 9:00 am on Monday the communication routes that lead to the border with Central America, interrupting the vehicular flow to the two border ports: Talismán and Ciudad Hidalgo.

They have also taken the Comitán- La Trinitaria, Tonalá- Tuxtla Gutiérrez routes and areas of the Selva region of Chiapas . This strike has been joined by drivers of cargo trucks (dump), associated with the Confederación de Trabajadores de México ( CTM ), who have joined the demand to reverse the new transport law, which gives an opportunity to vehicles units to transfer passengers in different municipalities.

The protesters also point out that since the arrival of the head of the Ministry of Mobility and Transportation in Chiapas, Aquiles Espinosa García, irregular groups have increased, which reveals a network of enrichment of this official to grant and overlap permits to those who operate abroad of the parameters of the law.

Carriers keep the main roads closed. PHOTO: José Torres

Ignacio José Tello, leading transporter in Chiapas, said that this mobilization is to reject the new transport law in the state and show disagreement with the breach of agreements by the Ministry of Mobility and Transportation (SMyT), mainly in the fight against hacking.

“The main requirement is the repeal of the new transportation law, which contains points that lacerate and leave concessionaires in distress, since it was tailored to the state authorities themselves,” he said.

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For her part, Nora Meza, a resident of the Unión Juárez municipality, travels with her three children from Tapachula and has had to walk more than three kilometers to be able to transfer to another bus that takes her home.

“I do not know why they have blocked but the authorities must attend to this situation because it affects us, especially if we come with children, they do not attend to anything, neither this nor the issue of migrants,” he told El Heraldo de México.

The blockade persists in all regions of the state, without establishing a dialogue table between state authorities and transporters so far.

Source: El Heraldo de Mexico

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