80-year-old man found after 5 days missing with a drone in Tabasco


Don Camerino, 80 years old and a native of the Zaragoza ranch, Comalcalco, Tabasco, went to his plot and did not return home.

His relatives immediately set out to search for him, but they only found his bicycle on which he had moved, but the man was nowhere to be found.

The search for the old man was exhaustive. Agents of the Comalcalco Public Security and Civil Protection Directorate, the National Guard and the Canine Unit of the Prosecutor’s Office, the Army, family members, and inhabitants of the Zaragoza ranch participated in the operation.

After 5 days, with the help of drones from the National Guard, Don Camerino was found in the inhospitable jungle and difficult to access, sitting, not knowing how he had gotten there. Did the goblin lose him? That’s what everyone in the region say.

Don Camerino was located in the jungle of Cocohital, somewhat distant from his plot located on the banks of the San Andrés River.

In the area, the rumor is that Don Camerino was taken by the elf Zahorí, who according to tropical folklore, is a little goblin who, unlike most elves, is not dedicated to annoying people with jokes, but that takes you by the hand and makes you lose yourself.

Don Camerino, was found dehydrated and weak, but good as far as possible, according to the doctors who checked his health.

Source: Tabasco Hoy

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