A glimpse of the future: this is how Guanajuato is projected in 2035


The State Development Plan 2035 establishes four main axes: human and social; public administration, economy, and competitiveness; environment and territory.

The 2035 State Development Plan (PDE) clearly presents the great strategies and projects of Guanajuato that will guide the future of Guanajuato. In this four main axes are established: human and social; public administration, economy and competitiveness; environment and territory. 

The PDE was promoted by the Planning Institute of the State of Guanajuato (IPLANEG), which was created in July 2007, being the first of its kind in all of Mexico. To this plan is added the long-term vision of the State Development Plan 2030 and the Guanajuato Siglo XXI.

Human and social

This axis seeks to strengthen families as the main bearers of cultural and civic identity, typical of a healthy, educated and cohesive society. The topics to be addressed and improved for a better future are: overcoming poverty, health, educational transformation, indigenous peoples, equality between men and women; vulnerable groups, family, culture, art, sports, and recreation. 

Some objectives that the government sets to improve this axis towards 2035 are: 

  • Promote decent work opportunities and protection of people.
  • Promote gender equity in the care of children in the labor sector.
  • Promote the recognition of the economy of family care: people, activities and economic, social and psychological costs. 
  • Promote gender equity and non-discrimination as a trigger for family and social development. 
  • Strengthen the urban infrastructure that creates conditions for the promotion of physical health.

Public administration and the rule of law

This axis seeks to create a Guanajuato that promotes excellent management and public policies, is trustworthy and close to the citizen, which guarantees a democratic, fair and safe society. Among the central themes are: Legal certainty, defense of sovereignty, citizen participation, crime prevention, among others. 

Some strategies of this axis are: 

  • Ensure citizen service with quality, warmth, honesty and equality.
  • Develop more effective communication systems to reach the final recipients.
  •   Guarantee transparency, accountability and access to information. 

Economy and competitiveness

With the development of this axis, the plan seeks to promote an economy based on knowledge, connectivity and the innovation cluster. This is to achieve a more accelerated sustained growth and generate formal jobs that allow improving the quality of life.

Some of the objectives within this are: 

  •  Strengthen collaboration between national and foreign higher education institutions. 
  • Promote entrepreneurship models at all educational levels. 
  • Link government, business, and civil society organizations to support the best students, teachers, and schools. 
  • Educate in innovative culture from childhood with a gender perspective. 

Environment and territory

By 2035, Guanajuato wants to have a network of human cities, dignified communities and attractive regions, in harmony with the environment. Some of the issues that will be addressed to achieve this are: Ecological management, climate change, waste, and scientific and environmental research with social commitment. 

These are the strategies established in the plan: 

  • Reduce the polluting impact of thermoelectric plants.
  •  Increase investment to improve roads and streets that contribute to reducing the emission of pollutants.
  • Strengthen research on the vulnerability of populations and regions to climate change.
  • Achieve the sustainable use of environmental resources. 

Source: liderempresarial.com

San Miguel Post