German Forrest Gump ends his journey through Mexico in Cancun


Jonas Deichmann traveled through Aztec soil from Tijuana to Quintana Roo where his adventure ended. The journey was more than 4 thousand kilometers and did it in 120 days

The story of Jonas Deichmann, known as the German Forrest Gump, is worthy of being told and remembered, because throughout 120 days he traveled through Mexico from beginning to end for a good cause, giving bicycles to African children through a foundation. This Monday he arrived in Cancun where he was received by the authorities of said Caribbean city.

His journey began in Tijuana 120 days ago and during this day he traveled the country from north to south to reach Cancun, where the municipal president, Mara Lezama, paid him a tribute on the beach known as Langosta.

Deichmann arrived after 5:00 p.m. on Monday at the beaches of Cancun where the city president was already waiting for him, who paid him a tribute and gave him the shirts of Cancun FC, the Expansion League team, and one more of the Pioneros, a club that plays in the third division of Mexican soccer.

Throughout these almost four months of adventure on Mexican soil, the German Forrest Gumpp traveled more than 4 thousand kilometers.

The German ultramarathoner was able to be present in several states of the Mexican Republic, almost all of them on the Pacific coast. It should be noted that it is not the first time that he does something similar since Deichmann has also traveled to various parts of Europe with the same purpose.

The Cancun Post