AMLO declines to attend Senate to deliver the Belisario Domínguez medal for fear of being ridiculed


López Obrador canceled his attendance at the delivery of the Belisario Domínguez Medal to Ifigenia Martínez to avoid confrontation with Lilly Téllez.

An alleged call to disrespect him was the motivation of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to cancel his attendance at the delivery of the Belisario Domínguez medal to Senator Ifigenia Martínez, founder of Morena and the PRD, which will take place in the Senate.

It will be next Thursday when the former cathedral will receive recognition from the Senate of the Republic and where the representatives of the Federal Executive and the Legislative and Judicial Power will attend as guests.

In a press conference from Puebla, the federal president explained that he decided to decline his participation since he will not fall into the provocations to which Senator Lilly Téllez, who is an opponent of his government, intends to fall.

“I am not going to attend because a legislator called to disrespect me in the Senate, I want to take the opportunity to pay tribute to Ifigenia,” he said.

The President of the Republic read a letter he sent to Martínez in which he acknowledges his political career and in it he apologized for not attending the ceremony where he will be recognized.

“You deserve all my admiration and respect and for the same reason I have the duty to inform you that I will not attend because a legislator from the conservative bloc is calling for disrespect,” he justified.

On October 1, Senator Téllez sent a tweet in which she affirmed that López Obrador is a “serial violator of the Constitution” so that before his invitation to attend the Senate, he would face him.


Mexico Daily Post