Armada de México commemorates the bicentennial of its creation


This corporation of the Armed Forces has earned the affection and respect of Mexicans over time, as it has always been present, from the defense of the San Juan de Ulúa fort to its support with the dog Frida during the rescues after the 19S tragedy

The Mexican Navy today commemorates 200 years of its creation and, throughout history, its work has left its mark on the country, from the defense of the San Juan de Ulúa fort to the rescues carried out by the emblematic dog Frida in Mexico and abroad, which led her to be a symbol of hope in the 2017 earthquakes in Mexico City.

The security and trust that in 200 years the Mexican Navy has transmitted to the population, have made it one of the most beloved and respected institutions in Mexico, one of the examples that have marked a before and after in the Semar dumbbell. -Civil population is the defense of the fort of San Juan de Ulúa, when the inhabitants joined the actions against the Spanish crown, a fight that brought together workers and fishermen from the port, who filtered the location of the Spanish commanders for their arrest.

The history of the Mexican Navy as a war body of the Mexican State arose after organizing the public administration, when the Regency of the country, on October 4, 1821, created four secretariats of State: Business and Internal and Foreign Relations, Justice and Business Ecclesiastical, Treasury and War and Navy, the latter directed by retired Lieutenant Antonio de Medina Miranda.

According to the annals of history, on September 27, 1821, Mexico consummated its independence, which was not officially recognized by the Spanish crown, until 1836.

A day later, on September 28, the Act of Independence was signed, with which nascent Mexico was organized as an empire. Agustín de Iturbide was appointed president of the Sovereign Provisional Government Board and the Regency, which were the two organizations that supported the Mexican empire pending the arrival of the European monarch, as had been established in the Treaties of Córdoba.

In this context, in the absence of the European prince who was to govern nascent Mexico, the Sovereign Provisional Government Board and the Regency issued a decree on November 14, 1821, through which they granted Agustín de Iturbide the appointment of supreme head of the Armas de Mar y Tierra, with the rank of Admiral Generalissimo, whose antiquity was recognized as of February 24, 1821.


Although Mexico consummated its independence, it was soon threatened by the opposition of the Spanish Crown, a fact that materialized with the resistance offered by a handful of Spaniards from the castle of San Juan de Ulúa in the port of Veracruz.

This conflict lasted for four years due to the precarious conditions with which the Navy was born in independent Mexico. This historical event was the first major problem that the Navy had to face, which put national sovereignty at imminent risk.

The historical documents that the Mexican Navy Secretariat (Semar) has in its possession indicate that only the port of Veracruz was subject to the Spanish crown, because the governor of the square, General José María Dávila, decided to take the fortress of San Juan de Ulúa to have control of the city and port of Veracruz thanks to the long-range cannons that the castle had.

It was clear to the Mexican government, from the beginning, that diplomatic negotiations with the castle could escalate into a major conflict, so Captain Eugenio Cortés was sent to the United States in 1822 to acquire the ships that would form the first squadron. naval that Mexico would have, these ships were Iguala and Anáhuac schooners, gunboat sloops: Chalco, Chapala, Texcoco, Orizaba, Campechana and Zumpango, as well as Tampico, Papaloapan and Tlaxcalteca.

On April 17, 1822, the schooner Iguala was the first ship that officially hoisted the national flag; therefore, with that surface unit the formation of our military navy begins.

 This is how the Naval Departments of Campeche, San Blas and Veracruz were created; in the latter, the infantry and artillery battalions of the navy were established.

On October 8, 1823, the naval blockade of the San Juan de Ulúa fortress was decreed due to a bombardment of the port of Veracruz, concluding the government of Mexico that the dispute could only be resolved at sea, and therefore, that the Armada had to be strengthened.

To fulfill its mission, in December 1824 the Libertad frigate and the Bravo and Victoria brigs were acquired, from England and Sweden, which had greater capacities.

In 1825 the ship Asia was added, which was renamed in Acapulco as the Mexican Congress and was the best gunship, having 74 guns, adding almost 200 gunboats of various calibers to the National Squadron.

Over the years, the Porfiriato represented a significant advance for the National Navy, since several warships were acquired and the Naval Military School was created in the port of Veracruz.

The ideals of the Mexican Revolution were embodied with the promulgation of the Constitution on February 5, 1917, in which the Navy was nationalized with the reforms to Article 32, where it was stipulated that to belong to the Navy it was necessary to be Mexican by birth and for the crews of merchant ships, two-thirds of it would be.

In the context of the Second World War, autonomy was given to the Department of the National Navy, when it separated from the Secretariat of National Defense (formerly the Secretary of War and Navy) in 1939, which led to the creation of the Secretary of Defense. Navy on December 31, 1940, was how the base of the current institutional structure began, where the Mexican Navy stands out as an operational component of the Secretariat of the Navy.

At present, surface and air units, as well as the Marine Corps, are the pillars of the Mexican Navy that have evolved from 1821 to the present, using cutting-edge technology for the fight against organized crime and prevention. of disasters generated by meteorological phenomena.

The latest generation technology is used in its Command and Control Center, which has unique equipment in Latin America.


With the conviction in serving the people of Mexico, the paratroopers of the Mexican Army celebrate 75 years of giving their maximum strength.

In 1946, the first jumps from military aircraft in flight were made in the Balbuena fields.

According to the first paratrooper captain Israel García Zamora, the Armed Forces have parachutes of different characteristics, depending on their operations. Low and high jumps are performed and among the characteristics of are the 10.6 meters in diameter and the 7.5 meters in diameter.

Low-level parachute folding is performed by four highly skilled soldiers.

Participan 15 mil elementos del Ejército, Marina y Guardia Nacional en el  desfile militar via @laviejaguardiaa

The paratrooper riflemen of the Mexican Army celebrate 75 years of their creation. Appearance of the instruction. Photo: Special

Once the parachute is inside the deployment bag, it is placed inside a container, which is closed with a cotton cord. During the bending process, a cotton cord is used that has a resistance of 80 pounds, approximately 36 kilograms, ”said García Zamora.

Before jumping, a skydiver must follow the orders of the jumpmaster, who directs and organizes. To avoid an accident, use signals and voices to coordinate the jumps of each soldier; they check their static tape, which is in charge of activating the parachute; They check their equipment, which in total weighs 50 kilos, and when everything is ready they jump. In case the parachute does not open they are equipped with an emergency one.

-Jorge Gutiérrez Chamorro

Desfile Cívico Militar por el 211 Aniversario del inicio de la Independencia de México | Fotos



There are two thousand elements of the Secretariat of the Armed Navy of Mexico (Semar) who participate today in the land, air, and water parade to commemorate the bicentennial of its foundation, which will be celebrated today in the city of Veracruz and which will be led by the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The ceremony is scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m. and will feature the deployment of 75 armored units and boats.

In parallel, there will be an air stop with 24 aircraft that will fly over the city of Buenos Aires and some stunts.

According to what was reported by naval authorities, the parade will begin at the Macroplaza, continue along Azueta Street and end at Manuel Ávila Camacho Boulevard, where the flagpole is located.

Mexico Daily Post