Safest entities with a low perception of insecurity according to Inegi; How does your state rank?


The victims affected by crimes in Mexico, the incidence of crime, and the perception of security in the country were shared by Inegi, through its Envipe survey. The results may interest you.

The National Survey of Victimization and Perception of Public Security (Envipe), carried out by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi), generated information at the national level on the phenomenon of criminal victimization in 2020 and the perception regarding public security among March and April 2021.

The figures show that during 2020, there were approximately 21.2 million victims over the age of 18 in Mexico.

According to the survey carried out by  Inegi,  in the year 2020 of the confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in which mobility was reduced, 27.6 million crimes were committed in Mexico, which represents a decrease with respect to the 30.3 million crimes of 2019.

About 28.4% of households in the country had at least one member who was a victim of crime, and in 93.3% of all crimes, there was no formal complaint.

On this occasion, Envipe 2021 considers the 2020 period with the health contingency that limited the country’s inhabitants in various areas due to COVID-19.

Yucatán stands out as the safest state with the lowest perception of insecurity; on the contrary, Mexico City, together with the State of Mexico, are the entities where the population perceives the greatest insecurity, there is a higher crime rate and there are more crimes with a weapon.

Victims 2020, crime prevalence rate

An estimated crime prevalence rate of 23,520 victims per 100,000 inhabitants during 2020 throughout the country.

The 5 entities with the lowest casualty rate were:

  • Chiapas with 13.40%
  • Veracruz with 14.60%
  • Yucatan with 16.00%
  • Oaxaca with 16.60%
  • Tamaulipas with 16.70%

The 5 entities with the highest rate of victims were:

  • Mexico City with 33.30%
  • State of Mexico with 32.50%
  • Tabasco with 27.10%
  • Aguascalientes with 26.90%
  • Jalisco with 25.8%

Crime incidence in 2020

The crime rate per 100,000 inhabitants for the population over 18 years of age in Mexico in 2020 was 30.60%.

The 5 entities with the lowest crime rate are:

  • Chiapas with 15.70%
  • Veracruz with 18.80%
  • Tamaulipas with 20.60%
  • Yucatan with 21.30%
  • Zacatecas and Michoacán with 21.50%

The 5 entities with the highest crime rate are:

  • Mexico City with 53.30%
  • State of Mexico with 39.50%
  • Morelos with 35.80%
  • Tabasco with 35.70%
  • Quintana Roo with 33.30%

Percentage of crimes committed in which there was no complaint or an Investigation Folder was not started during 2020

Perception of insecurity in 2021

At the national level, there is a perception of insecurity of 75.6%, contrasting against the perception of security in Mexico.

The 5 entities with the lowest perception of insecurity were:

  • Yucatan with 27.20%
  • Baja California Sur with 34.30%
  • Aguascalientes with 51.50%
  • Nayarit with 52.20%
  • Campeche with 53.20%

The 5 entities with the highest perception of insecurity were:

  • State of Mexico with 91.30%
  • Morelos with 86.60%
  • Puebla with 85.60%
  • Mexico City with 85.30%
  • Tobacco with 84.80%

Likewise, the percentage by federal entity of crimes involving the possession of a weapon was shared, which at the national level was 41.6%.

In Envipe it was reported that in 2020 insecurity cost Mexicans some 277.6 billion pesos, which represented 1.85% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).


Mexico Daily Post