Covid has hit most Mexican destinations hard, Quintana Roo and Baja California Sur have proven to be the most resilient


Quintana Roo and Baja California Sur are the ones that expel the least population and contribute 45% and 31% of the country’s tourist remuneration, according to Cicotur.

Although the Covid-19 pandemic has hit most Mexican destinations hard, Quintana Roo and Baja California Sur have proven to be the most resilient and those that receive the most population from other states of the country, since around 10% of those inhabiting those states were not originally from those entities.

“What is a fact is that they are the states that have the least population expelled and that receive the most national population permanently looking for opportunities as in the case of Baja California Sur and Quintana Roo,” said Francisco Madrid, director of the Center for Research and Competitiveness. Anáhuac Tourist (Cicotur).

The two states are economy-based, fundamentally, on tourism and are above the level of human development of national average; The case of Baja California Sur stands out, which occupies a place within the five states of the country with the highest value in the Human Development Index.

Madrid highlighted that, on the other hand, the entities that receive the most remittances due to the greater number of inhabitants who expel abroad due to lack of opportunities are Jalisco, Michoacán, Guanajuato, State of Mexico, Mexico City, Guerrero, and Oaxaca, according to data of the Bank of Mexico.

“The saying of the sambenito” that tourism generates underdevelopment, in reality, underdevelopment is generated by underdevelopment itself; the lack of opportunities means that when some development opportunities arise, the populations leave their place of origin due to lack of those opportunities and move to other places ”, he argued.

In the study “Other tourism data” prepared by Cicotur and the National Tourism Business Council (CNET), 265 tourist municipalities were analyzed, where 80.8% have a low and very low degree of marginalization, compared to the rest of the municipalities, where 52% of the total presents a very high, high or medium degree of marginalization.

“In tourist municipalities, the level of extreme, high or very high marginalization is only found by 19.2% of them, against 52% of all municipalities in the country that have high or very high conditions in the country. Certainly, there is a very marked contrast, something similar happens in terms of social backwardness where tourist municipalities have a lower level of social backwardness, almost in a 3 to 1 ratio ”, pointed out Madrid.

Only in 2018, 9.7% of the salaries that were paid in the country are related to tourist activity; the amount paid amounted to 203,000 million pesos (mp), 9.7% of the national total.

“In terms of remuneration, the mass derived from tourism activity is truly impressive: more than 203,000 million pesos, that is, 9.7% of the mass of remuneration paid by the private sector has to do with tourism activity and is one of the novelties that he had no visibility and that he advocates the importance of tourism ”, he pointed out.

Regarding the participation of tourist salaries by state, Quintana Roo (44.5%), Baja California Sur (30.8%), Guerrero (28.9%) , Nayarit (21.9%) and Chiapas (20.6%) stand out.

These entities are followed by Oaxaca (18.2%), Morelos (16.5%), Michoacán (16.3%), Sinaloa (15.7%) and Yucatán (14.3%).

The study points out that tourist remuneration grows at an average rate higher than that of the economy as a whole. While the national average remuneration grew at a rate of 2.3% in the 2013-2018 period, the growth of the average tourism remuneration was 3.6%.

“On this occasion what has happened is that there are probably structural changes (…) In the case of leisure destinations there are four elements that explain their relative success in the international or United States market: the first was a solid public policy and Without restrictions to enter the country, it was a positive question, but it is the business effort and the destinations themselves that have made it possible to attract travelers, the advances in vaccination and the lack of other destinations where they can travel as Europeans and Asians ”, affirmed Madrid.


Mexico Daily Post