Motorcyclists shoot guns for hours in San Cristóbal de las Casas, a 7-year-old girl dies (video)


A group of people on motorcycles traveled from Saturday night until early Sunday morning through the streets of the city of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, the main tourist city of Chiapas.

The population of this city reported that armed people live in the northern part of the town, and are known as “motor scooters”, who have increased their presence in recent months, for displaying long weapons, firing shots, and organizing parties and meetings in that part of San Cristóbal de Las Casas.

Motociclistas armados recorren calles de la principal ciudad turística de  Chiapas | Aristegui Noticias

However, they said that this is the first time they have ostensibly toured the entire city and for several hours, they fire their weapons. A stray bullet hit a 7-year-old girl named Marisol, who lived in the San Antonio del Monte neighborhood, in the face.

Her mother, Andrea Hernández Hernández, explained that the girl was sleeping when around 11:30 p.m. a shot penetrated the roof of her home and hit the girl in the face. He took her to the Hospital de Las Culturas; there he died.

Also, personnel from that hospital reported that the group of “scooters” arrived at the hospital facilities and threatened those who were in the place. The staff called the police, but they did not arrive at the scene.

Later, in the early hours of Sunday, the armed motorcyclists toured the Andador Guadalupano, the busiest tourist and hotel route in San Cristóbal de Las Casas. They also fired shots.

The tours lasted until Sunday morning. Some villagers recorded these people with their cell phones. Other recordings that record these events were made by the same motorcyclists, who uploaded them to their social networks.

Motociclistas armados recorren calles de la principal ciudad turística de  Chiapas | Aristegui Noticias

In the San Juan Chamula municipality, a neighbor of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, on Sunday night, armed people shot in the center of the town.

In Chiapas, the presence of armed groups has increased in recent years. They have carried out continuous attacks in municipalities such as San Juan Chamula, Aldama, Chenalhó, Chalchiuitán, Pantelhó, Simojovel, Sitalá; Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacán, and Ocosingo, among others; all inhabited by indigenous Tsotsil and Tzeltal populations; where thousands of people have suffered forced displacement as a result of these actions.

For these reasons, in the municipality of Pantelhó, the population formed the self-defense group El Machete, which managed to expel the armed people who kept the population threatened; But last Friday he reported that in the town they were “on alert” because they have suffered new threats and their attackers have not been arrested.

Regarding these events, the spokesman for the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), Subcomandante Galeano, announced that the presence of these groups and the impunity with which they act places Chiapas “on the brink of a civil war . 


San Cristobal Post