AMLO attacks Mexico scientific community


“If it comes to demanding accounts, how much does the President pay for rent in the National Palace”: Conacyt scientist.

In an interview with Carmen Aristegui, the biologist Antonio Lazcano Araujo, considered that the investigation of the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) against 31 members of the Scientific and Technological Consultative Forum of Conacyt, is a persecution of the scientific community of Mexico. And he described the prosecution’s complaint as one of the worst times of Stalinism.

“What we are seeing is a persecution that recalls, I must say clearly, the worst times of Stalinism, the worst times of the cultural revolution, during the Chinese revolution,” said the researcher in an interview with the journalist.

The biologist and UNAM academic said that fortunately, he is not on the list, “but that the mere fact of the prosecution’s complaint has aroused an atmosphere of terror among his colleagues.”

During the interview, Aristegui showed a fragment of the morning conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who said that part of the resources delivered to the Scientific and Technological Consultative Forum was used to purchase personal items and pay for travel and luxuries.

Lazcano blamed the head of Conacyt, María Elena Álvarez-Buylla, who, for him, was the one who led to an “early conviction” against the investigators.

But he did not stop there, he also said that AMLO does not understand science or the scientific world.

“It seems that the president has a somewhat provincial idea, to use that term that bothers me, of what contemporary science is,” he said.

Regarding the use of resources in luxury restaurants, Lazcano said that it is false that the community of scientists had a banquet because in any case, they were “quite regrettable” meals.

“The sandwiches were not exactly what one would understand as luxury meals, they were chicken slices stuffed with huitlacoche, but frankly they seemed like those parties that one organizes in high school with marías cookies or bimbo bread, they never touched me, they never touched me. It was time to see a luxury meal, “he said.

He also said that it is difficult for investigators to obtain vouchers at a roadside inn, so they have to go to established places.

“We all know, for example, how complicated it is to be trying to get receipts from a restaurant on a highway in Sonora and then claim the refund of that money”

“If it is about demanding accounts, I would like to know how much the President of the Republic pays for rent in the National Palace. Who pays for the plane tickets for their travels. But we have not seen the expenses that Dr. Gutiérrez Müller made when she went to Europe, to try to get a series of pieces to be loaned to Mexico. Transparency must be absolute for everyone ”, he pointed out.

The private Association received in the governments of Calderón and Peña Nieto, an amount close to 287 million pesos with which they paid for their international trips, lodging, breakfasts, and meals in luxurious restaurants, as well as fuel for their cars, cell phone equipment. and other personal expenses. But the most questionable was the purchase in 2015 of a house located in the residential area of ​​Coyoacán, in Mexico City.


Mexico Daily Post