Maya Train railway locomotives and gondolas arriving from… Kenya?


Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz — Maya Train material, equipment, and machinery continues to arrive in Mexico, this time, in the way of railway equipment. In a report, PTC Mexico says a total of 4,288 tons of railway equipment arrived at the port of Veracruz.

The load consisted of eight locomotives, 28 gondolas, and accessories, which were imported from Mombasa, Kenya, to equip the Maya Train.

Kenya is not precisely well known for being a train manufacturing country, so the machinery is presumed to be of Chinese manufacture (and probably second-hand), as our readers can see in the photographs, the trains look old and obsolete.

Is this really how the Tren Maya is going to look like?

As part of the logistics, the eight locomotives, 28 gondolas, crane equipment, generators, and accessories as a whole were sheltered in areas destined for cargo in transit.

The equipment was unloaded at the Veracruz port and transferred by land to Section 1 of the Maya Train

The Coatzacoalcos port area has 170,000 square meters for the storage of various cargo, in addition to nine docks for the proper loading and unloading of various cargo.

The cargo arrived onboard vessels B / C UNIVISON and B / C UNISEA. The equipment was unloaded in the port of Coatzacoalcos and transferred by land to the Palenque-Escarcega Section 1 of the Maya Train project, which includes the states of Chiapas and Campeche.

The Port of Progreso recently received more than 7.3 tons of ballast material which will also be used for the construction of the Maya Train.

Source: El Financiero

Mexico Daily Post