Sea currents reveal two cenote entrances in Playa del Carmen


At this location, the two mouths of a cenote that emerge from the seashore, next to Calle 4, have been uncovered due to surface currents.

The arrival of sargassum on the shores of downtown Playa del Carmen is contrasting, because while in areas such as El Recodo where there is macroalgae and in other places such as the sandy area of ​​Calle 4, even the two eyes of a cenote that is on the shore of the beach.

Corriente del mar deja al descubierto los dos ojos de un cenote en Playa  del Carmen | PorEsto

At no more than 50 meters from where Cristina Hernández works, the two mouths of a cenote that emerge on the shore of the sea, next to Calle 4, have been seen, due to the surface currents mentioned by the Secretary of the Navy. making the sea move, even to the sand.

Cristina Hernández stressed that it depends on how the climate is in the municipality, “there are times when the two mouths of the cenote look like now because the sea removes the sand, but the bad thing is that people do not take care of the space, and I see that it is dangerous that there are adolescents and bathers in general who believe that they can drink the water, it could be the virgin beaches, but with so many businesses, hotels and houses, the waters of that river must be very polluted, “he said.

During a tour, it was observed that the main arrival of the sargazo to the municipality is registering from the 16th street until reaching the Plaza Fundadores, where the arrival is less than in El Recodo, a site where there is even sargassum already rotten on the shore of the river. sea ​​and that causes a great pestilence, but it is almost impossible to remove it from the water.

In this small cove is where around 12 workers from the Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone (Zofemat) work, who have eight-hour shifts a day to remove the sargazo in El Recodo, with the help of specialized machinery for cleaning sargassum.


The Cancun Post