BBVA leaves 24 million customers in Mexico without access to money


A failure on Sunday affected the use of all the bank’s systems

Without services at ATMs, a mobile application, or the possibility of making payments with cards in shops, this September 12, 24.1 million BBVA Mexico customers did not have access to their money during the day on Sunday.

Reports of failures in the bank’s application were recorded in the early hours of yesterday on social networks of the largest financial institution operating in Mexico, which lasted until night.

“BBVA México informs all its users that we are presenting intermittences in our services. We are working to solve it as soon as possible and to carry out the operations that our users require. We apologize for the inconvenience, ”the bank reported at 11:13 a.m., in the face of multiple complaints on social networks.

May be an image of text that says 'BBVA México informa a todos sus usuarios que estamos presentando intermitenciasennuestros servicios. Estamos trabajando para solucionarlo cuanto antesy dar curso las operaciones que nuestros usuarios requieran. Ofrecemos disculpas por los inconvenientes ocasionados.'

The institution has one of the largest banking services networks in the country, made up of 1,725 ​​branches, 13,114 ATMs and 517,729 point of sale terminals, according to figures from last May.

The failure took by surprise several customers who went out to buy, who visited restaurants, as well as other establishments, and at the time of payment, the operation could not be carried out and there was no access to cash.

“The cashier did not deliver my cash, I consult the app and [appears] a false message of a bad connection. I call the BBVA line and they finish the update in three hours, they want to know what the 15 people outside the branch think, ”a client said in messages through the BBVA Mexico Twitter account.

Along with the inconvenience, the failure generated memes, as well as the mockery of the businessman Ricardo Salinas Pliego.

“Now that @BBVA_Mex has run out of systems, and with the sole purpose of helping its clients, I want to share a new @BancoAzteca App that has everything in one place, besides being easy to use, it is very stable, no like Bancomer, ”he wrote on Twitter.

Network users remind Ricardo Salinas that his app is not perfect

A month ago and just over the weekend, the Banco Azteca app also presented failures and Ricardo Salinas himself reported that he was already being followed up and even took the opportunity to challenge BBVA by telling it that “this was his opportunity”, however, He also invited to surpass his service because he offered to return double the interest to whoever demonstrated the responsibility of Banco Azteca by not being able to pay loans in a timely manner.

Faced with Ricardo Salinas’ trolling of BBVA, some followers agree with him, and other BBVA users wonder if “would switching to Banco Azteca be a solution?” , to which this digital marketing is added the immediate function of customer service when from the official account of Banco Azteca they join the digital conversation with the offer: “Change with us. Not only do we have the best App, we are also the Mexican bank with the most branches and with business hours from 9 am to 9 pm, 365 days a year ”.

However, haters did not sit idly by and did their thing “We love that he continues to live from @BBVA_Mex Señor @RicardoBSalinas, in the same way, we enjoy when his application pitera (sic) stops working” and they accompany this comment with a screenshot where The Banco Azteca app also has a connection failure.

Salinas pliego presume App de Banco Azteca tras fallas de BBVA

Even more delicate when the businessman is reminded that his financial institution does not have the best reputation thanks to events such as “Banco Azteca employees who stole his savings from an elderly man” In addition, someone dared to comment “in bad taste to put the image of a sick little animal. No sicker than the person who posted it” But Ricardo Salinas chooses his battles well and there are comments that he does not respond to, he limits himself to “leaving them in sight” they would say.

BBVA sevices restored announcement

Mexico Daily Post