AMLO assures that victims of Hurricane Nora in Sinaloa will have help


It recognizes that it is in charge of attending as soon as possible the terrestrial communication, as much of the Mexico 15 as the highway; They already make the assessments and the resources will arrive

Mazatlán, Sin.- Sinaloa will have all the support to attend to the victims of “Nora”, and for this, the corresponding surveys of the various areas that were damaged will be carried out, no one can have any doubt about that, said Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The President of Mexico, on his tour of southern Sinaloa, this Saturday, moments before entering to supervise the Picachos dam, admitted that in his tour of the highways, he found that there is damage and they need to be resolved as soon as possible, the same let the people of the primary sector they occupy get up again.

“All those affected are going to be helped, Sinaloa is one of the states that we are always helping, we are going to continue helping and regarding the effects, the first thing is to repair the roads, build the bridges that fell and do everything related to communications, to roads ”.

He pointed out that even people from Communications and Transportation of the federal Government have already attended, in addition to the fact that they have the resources to address this situation that Sinaloa is experiencing today, in the sections cut and damaged by the rains and others by the flooding of rivers and streams.

“Of course, it is necessary to improve the Free Highway from Culiacán to Mazatlán, and the bridge is necessary on the highway, although it is a concession that improves the pavement, because there are many potholes, the rain left that road very badly, the Undersecretary of Communications has already come. ”.

López Obrador affirmed that there are clear commitments with the state president to help address and resolve the damage caused by “Nora” as he passed through this region of the country.


The Mazatlan Post