The Government of Coahuila orders the release of all women imprisoned for aborting

A group of women hang a poster to celebrate the decriminalization of abortion in the Supreme Court of Justice of Saltillo (Coahuila), this Tuesday.

The State abides by the judgment of the Supreme Court and will modify its legislation on abortion.

After the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) declared the crime of abortion in Coahuila unconstitutional, the State Government, headed by Miguel Riquelme, said through a statement that local legislation will be adapted to the criteria of the highest Court not to criminalize any woman for having an abortion.

The State Penal Code establishes in its articles 195 and 196 that commits abortion for criminal purposes “who causes death to the product of conception, at any time of pregnancy” and stipulates penalties of one to three years in prison for whoever commits such a crime.

“If there is any woman deprived of her liberty for the crime of abortion, she must be released immediately,” the statement said.

Source: El Pais