TlaquepArte returns to Rosarito Beach with 200 international exhibitors


The 100% free event will comply with all health measures in the event of a contingency

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The most important international handicraft exhibition in Mexico, TlaquepArte, announced its return to Rosarito, Baja California for the fourth time, from September 16 to 20.

According to the organizers, the event will bring together 200 international exhibitors, who will bring their crafts, jewelry and items from Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Cuba, Guatemala, Ecuador, Paraguay, Turkey, Russia, Greece, India, Kenya, Indonesia, Senegal and Egypt.

In turn, exhibitors from different entities of this country will participate, such as Oaxaca, Chiapas, Jalisco, Veracruz, among others. And of course, Baja Californians.

TlaquepArte, which will take place at the Baja California Center Convention Center in Rosarito, could leave an economic spill of 20 million pesos. It was ensured that the event will have sanitary measures throughout the exhibition, such as taking temperature, application of antibacterial gel, requesting the use of face masks, limited capacity and monitoring of this number of people.

In turn, it was detailed that, to guarantee social distancing, the corridors will be five meters, while the merchandise will be sanitized during assembly, in addition to the stands.

Now you know, save the date and enjoy what TlaquepArte will bring to Baja Californians in September. Remember, admission is free, and the doors open from 10:30 in the morning and close until 8:00 at night.

May be an image of text that says '-Baja California Center, Tijuana 16 al 20 de septiembre -Cintermex, Monterrey: 8 al 11 de octubre -Expo Guadalajara, Guadalajara: 29 de octubre al 1 de noviembre 霸夏 TroquepAkGe SOCMEN RESPONSABLE ↓'

Baja California Post