USD-Peso Exchange rate today August 31st


Financial entities and the Bank of Mexico established the exchange rate for this day, consult it and verify who gives you more per dollar

This Tuesday, August 31, 2021, the peso-dollar exchange rate registered movements again, so if you carry out economic activities with this currency, the ideal is to check how much it costs today. 

The Bank of Mexico published in the Official Gazette of the Federation the exchange rate to settle obligations denominated in foreign currency payable in the Mexican Republic by which this day will be governed is $ 20,1403 MN, lower than the $ 20,2293 MN, with which it closed the day before.

Enter here and check the official document published by Banco de México in the Official Gazette of the Federation

Financial entities set the exchange rate at 20.0847; this day they buy the dollar at 19.8483 they sell it at 20.3211 pesos; in the week it loses 0.48%, the month it gains 1.41%; in the quarter 1.15% and so far this year 1.13%.

So if you are going to buy or sell dollars or you will make any other transaction under this denomination, check where they offer you a better price and go to whoever suits you best. If you want to know which bank or finance company gives you more or less pesos per dollar, check the following table. 

Mexico Daily Post