Former Mexican minister says the administration of justice is on the verge of ‘collapse’


The former Minister of the Supreme Court, José Ramón Cossío Díaz, warned that the administration of justice in Mexico is close to “collapse.”

He warned that “there is a delay in the administration of justice due to the pandemic, with a serious accumulation, which will give enormous judicial pressure.”

He estimated that “the Judiciary will not be able to do so and there may be a collapse due to the accumulation of cases.”

By participating in the forum “Agenda in Matters of Justice. Challenges and Opportunities for the LXV Legislature ”, organized by the Justice Commission of the Lower Chamber of Congress, the retired minister added that“ an important part of the litigation will be spoiled if the Penal Code is wrong ”.

For his part, former attorney Sergio García Ramírez, emeritus researcher at the UNAM Institute of Legal Research, stated that the work of the Legislative Power is enormous to set the regulatory framework so that everything said is possible; norms that ensure what has sometimes cost so much work to ensure, which is the congruence of reality with the ideal.

“The courts already constitute the power to close conflicts and in this task, they fulfill the mission that justice is the foundation of peace,” he said.

Judge Marisol Castañeda Pérez, president of the Mexican Association of Judges, AC, also warned that “66.8 percent of the trials that are heard in the country are awaiting the issuance of the law that will regulate their process.”

He added that in terms of process, online trials in the context of the pandemic, “it is urgent to issue the ordinance that establishes an appointment schedule to file lawsuits, use electronic signatures and hold virtual hearings, among others.”

Claudia de Buen Unna, president of the Mexican Bar, Colegio de Abogados, AC, recommended that the simplification of the process, the simplicity in the adjective rules, orality, immediacy, the general principle of good faith, and the pro person principle should govern the process and create the conditions for vulnerable people to have access to daily justice, in addition to having the same procedural standards for all states.

The magistrate Ariel Alberto Rojas Caballero, director of the National Association of Circuit Magistrates and District Judges of the Federal Judicial Branch, considered that “the independence of the judges is a protection for sovereignty since a free judge is required and that respects the rights ”.

“Without this, one cannot speak of a free and modern state of law. In many states, the Judiciary is seen as an accessory, but the pandemic has demonstrated the importance of expedited justice at the local level, ”he said.

Source: Excelsior

Mexico Daily Post