National Guard deploys more than 6,000 guards in Valle de México for the distribution of LP gas


Luis Rodríguez Bucio, commander of the National Guard, reported that the elements provide security in the plants and in more than 300 gas distribution routes in CDMX

The National Guard deployed 6 thousand elements in 177 plants, terminals and LP gas distribution routes to guarantee the supply of this fuel in the Valley of Mexico.

Retired General Luis Rodríguez Bucio, commander of the National Guard, reported that the National Guards provide security at the plants and on more than 300 gas distribution routes in Mexico City and the Metropolitan Area of ​​the Valley of Mexico.

On the other hand, Rodríguez Bucio reported that the territorial deployment of the National Guard increased in eight more regional coordinations, reaching 230 of the 266 outlined in the federal government’s security plan.

In the presidential press conference this Friday, Rodríguez Bucio affirmed that yesterday the bases were activated with elements in Villa Flores, Chiapas; Tláhuac, Mexico City; Ojinaga, Chihuahua; Tulancingo, Hidalgo; Ciudad Hidalgo, Michoacán; Ajalpan and Tecamachalco, Puebla; Cosamaloapan, Veracruz.

Currently, 99,946 elements of the National Guard are deployed in different tasks in the country.

With regard to state coordinators, the command reported the rotation of state coordinators in Baja California Sur and Campeche.

Mexico Daily Post