Two people commit suicide after testing positive for Covid in Guerrero; one was a nurse


A man who was admitted to a private hospital in Acapulco jumped from the second floor through a window and died, his body was left on the sidewalk of the Costera Miguel Alemán, in the middle of the tourist area of the port, apparently, he was infected with Covid-19.

On the other hand, on June 2, in the state capital Chilpancingo, a nurse who was infected with Covid-19 and was in quarantine isolation committed suicide, a victim of pressure and stress due to everything she had experienced in recent months in her fight as a nurse against the Coronavirus in a hospital in the Health Sector of Guerrero.

Her name was María del Carmen Galeana, who worked in the General Hospital of Chilpancingo “Raymundo Abarca Alarcón” and was assigned to the area where the Covid area of the hospital.

Source: El Sur de Acapulco

The Guerrero Post